Dr. Linda Scott has been serving The Rockaways for over 20 years and has now moved her practice to Oceanside, NY. She specializes in Family, Pediatric, and Prenatal care.

Chiropractic is for all ages and all types of people. Everyone including infants, the elderly, and athletes can benefit from regular chiropractic care. Chiropractic care specializes in removing vertebral subluxations which interfere with the normal healthy functions of the body.

A vertebral subluxation is a misalignment of a vertebrae in the spine which changes the function of the joint thus putting pressure on the spinal nerves, altering the communications of the nervous system. When communications are altered within the nervous system, the body is unable to function optimally. This leads to “dis-ease” and other health conditions such as a lowered immune system, pain, muscle imbalance, weakness, and fatigue. Vertebral subluxations occur during childbirth and throughout our lives as a result of physical, emotional, and chemical stress.

Only chiropractors specialize in the detection and removal of these subluxations. When subluxations are removed the body is able to rebalance and correct many health conditions naturally.

Dr. Linda Scott
Oceanside, NY 11572
Office 917-748-6997

Workers Compensation, No Fault,
and Most Insurance Accepted.